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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  NBC  February 26, 2013 8:00am-9:00am EST

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8:00 now on this tuesday morning, the 26th of february, 2013. ashlee arnau is vying the principle try, try again if at first you don't succeed. you came pretty close. let's see. you hit the rim. >> and you say the difference here is that the backboard is a little smaller so it's throwing you off a little bit? >> yeah. >> and the fact that we have cement here as opposed to a wood floor. we've got these people cheering and waving in the background. and i love the fact they keep putting another ball down and
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you're like, no more! i don't want to do it again. anyway, thank you for trying, ashlee. >> you're welcome. >> congratulations on an amazing shot at the game. >> thank you. >> good luck in your senior year. >> thank you. >> what are you studying? >> nursing. >> she's going to need it. >> ashlee, thank you. coming up, if you were inspired by the fashions you saw sunday night at the oscars, we've got looks that are inspired by those fashions at a much more affordable price. also, the professionals are in the house, star, donny, dr. nancy. they are going to take on hot topics including telecommuting. is it a good thing when employees work from home? i have met my match, a 9-year-old lad who is in the third grade who does the weather. so we're going to meet him and he's going to do a little forecasting a little bit later on. >> he has it down. >> he really does.
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very cute. a check of the day's top stories, natalie, good morning again. >> good morning, savannah and matt and al. good morning, everyone. tourists were killed today when a hot air balloon caught fire, exploded and crashed while firing over the ancient egyptian city of luxor. u.s. embassy officials say there's no indication that any americans were among the victims. for the second time in a week, a major winter storm is bearing down on the midwest. heavy snow and high winds caused whiteouts on monday in texas and oklahoma panhandle. the blizzard conditions are now moving east, closing schools today in parts of kansas. it cou they could get up to two feet of snow. president obama take his budget battle to a ship building yard in virginia to highlight the impact of automatic budget cuts. they take effect friday unless the white house and congressional republicans can reach a deal to reduce the federal deficit. the vatican announced today that pope benedict xvi will be
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called emeritus pope and carry the title of his holiness after he steps down on thursday. on monday benedict received the results of an internal investigation into vatican document leaks. the vatican denied that anything in the report contributed to benedi benedict's historic decision to abdicate. former u.s. surgeon general c. everett coop died yesterday. he was 96 years old. a quick roundup of what has you talking online. internet pirates may be shouting arrgh before the week is over. being rolled out sending voice and e-mail warnings to users who illegally share videos online. they can take more drastic
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action, such as slowing your connection. amazed at their own power, they have made vulcan, the name posed and promoted by william shatner, "star trek's" captain kirk. vulcan, of course, was the fictional home planet of his science fictional character dr. spock. does something to irk another driver who cuts him off and then the bumper smashes the hot head to teach him a lesson. all of it captured on his dash cam. looks to police like he is the innocent victim. should be called the provoke r s well. it's 8:04 right now. let's go back out to al with your weather. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by centrum.
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>> where are you guys from? >> south carolina. >> little school trip? >> yes. >> or just broke out -- senior trip, all right. good stuff. enjoy. let's see what's going on as far as your weather is concerned. pick city of the day, billings, montana, nbc 8. cloudy, cold, 42 degrees. on the cold, 42 degrees and on the satellite you can see this big storm system, snow to the north and the west of it. ahead of knit to the south we have heavy rain, thunderstorms, a real mess. rainfall amounts anywhere one to three inches down the south. icy conditions. snow showers around the central rockies. look for clouds and seasonal temperatures in the pacific northwest. beautiful day along the gulf coast. plenty of sunshine. little on the breezy side. heavy thunderstorms northern florida on into coastal georgia and south carolina. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods.
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>> good morning i'm team storm 4 meteorologist eer tom kierein. cloudy today. areas in green could get moderate to heavy rain later this afternoon. may cause flooding by later tonight. other colors could be icing, high vagus above 1,000 feet that may cause scattered power outages. all this moisture coming in initially early >> and that's y weather. >> all right, al, thanks. coming up next, "today's" professionals weigh in on the first lady's pr blitz. are we seeing too much of her these days? and where you can find the oscar's red hot looks that you can actually afford. we'll show you them. then jason aldean, as we just hinted to you, there he is. first these messages. [ male announcer ] i've seen incredible things. otherworldly things. but there are some things i've never seen before. this ge jet engine can understand 5,000 data samples per second.
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which is good for business. because planes use less fuel, spend less time on the ground and more time in the air. suddenly, faraway places don't seem so...far away. ♪ then i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. introducing nexxus youth renewal. now, visibly combat 8 signs of aging hair.
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♪ our breakthrough nexxus youth renewal elixir replenishes and revitalizes. for vibrant, youthful-looking hair in 7 days. [ woman ] now, timeless beauty lives on. [ male announcer ] combat 8 signs of aging hair. nexxus youth renewal. raise your standard. ♪ oh-oh-oh [ female announcer ] yoplait light and greek 100. 100 calories or less. get back on track with these weight watchers-endorsed products at walmart.
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to make just about anything delicious. simply add jif chocolate flavored hazelnut spread. whatever you put it on...
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reaches a whole new level of deliciousness. choosy moms choose jif. we're back now at 8:10 with the new edition of "today's" professionals. star jones, donny deutsch and dr. nancy snyderman are here to tackle the stories that have you talking. good morning, all. >> hi, matt. >> sunday evening they were saying the oscar goes to. i want you to complete this sentence. and the blame goes to, unless there's a deal struck, the sequester goes into effect, $1.2 trillion in spending cuts. in almost every analysis people agree this will hurt the economy, hurt the recovery, might even damage national security. and the blame goes to -- >> the american public for not being invested enough in the terms of what it means, inspiring every one of these
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s.o.b.s the next time it comes around. >> the american public not because of them but because of us. nobody in today's generation wants to give anything. nobody wants to work till 67. nobody wants to give up entitlements. rich people don't want to pay more taxes. we are a country now of complete nonself sacrificing. you can't blame the politicians. blame us. >> but blame them for not getting a deal. >> i don't understand how washington works. in every other aspect of society, you negotiate with people, you must sit down together and actually put some things on the table. i don't understand why washington is not doing that. >> republicans and democrats agreed to this idea last year when they were negotiating the debt ceiling. they knew these cuts were draconian. they must have thought it would never happen, it would never come to this. guess what, it has come to this. republicans or democrats, who gets the blame? >> republicans much more. because right now perception and reality they are seen as the party of no. >> the white house proposed
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this, though. >> once again, the republicans have more to lose. whether it's their fault or not is different. they have more to lose. we have to look in the mirror a litt bit. i really do. >> let's move on to another topic. this one will resonate with people at water coolers in corporations and countries across the country. marissa mayer, the ceo of yahoo! apparently has decided that telecommuting, people from working at home, is not a good idea. she tries to kind of right that struggling ship. i thought this was supposed to be the wave of the future, that had it made for happier employees and more productive employees. is telecommuting a good idea or bad idea? >> culturally in the silicon valley, google, facebook will say come to campus. we have free food, this, that. we grow better by having all of our people on campus. everyone was looking to her as the 37-year-old new woman face,
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ceo of a fortune 500 company and she has adopted the boys rule of come to campus. >> why isn't it just a professional rule? why do you think it's the boys rule? >> you think people should have to come to work? >> i may have to turn in my feminist card on this, but the ceo's job is about the bottom line of the company. if she thinks it's more productive to have people in the office that's where they should be. >> people who are able to telecommute are more productive but less innovative? >> when you make a decision to let people have flex hours, they're not doing it because they're nice people. it's because they think that's the way to hold on to better people. she has made a decision based on her shareholders that what is better for my bottom line, i'm not losing that many people. i want people together. >> consider you are one of those people who has now set up your life around being allowed to telecommute. you have kids -- >> find another company. >> you just leave? >> by the way, you're a ceo, you have a right to make a decision
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for your shareholders. >> it's called work not vacation. that's what you do. >> you guys? you guys, i don't know what generation, what decade you guys think you're referring to, but let me tell you, the glass ceiling is not only there, it's lucite and it's not being broken. i understand the shareholders, but the innovative female leader and then say -- no. stop shhhing me. and then say to the women on your campus, guess what, we're going to create the best nursery, we're going to bring people in -- >> there are men who telecommute all the time. >> don't be -- >> if you're going to ask to start off balance, start off balance. if you're going to ask for the exact same rights and privileges then you have to start off with -- >> silicon valley, do you adopt these same rules or sit there and wait and circle like a buzzard and tick off all the great employees who will run?
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>> they're going to follow suit. >> let's move on. next subject. let's talk about the first lady, michelle obama. she has been out in public a lot. we've seen her do a lot of things. she did a great thing with jimmy fallon, i thought, the history of mom dance. i'll never do that again but that's what she did. then she was at the academy awards sunday night presenting the best picture award. now, some people have started to say this is not what they want to be seeing from the first lady of the united states. how do you guys feel about this? >> i couldn't agree more. she was what i call an uninvited guest. when politicians show up on entertainment shows like fallon, we, the viewers, get to decide whether we want to engage in a politician. she showed up in the two-minute warning effect, at the point where maybe i want more jack nicholson. there was an asumptive elitist quality to it. >> the jimmy fallon, you don't
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have a problem with it? >> i can choose whether i want to watch that. >> you can choose whether you want to watch the oscars. >> no, no, no. i want to know who won best picture. three out of four americans will tell you, i don't want a politician's wife there at that point. >> i just want to know if "argo" won. i could care less who is doing it. >> you are putting politics, like it or not, in a space where people are not necessarily inviting it in their home for. >> she is clearly popular with a percentage of the population, and is reveling in that popularity. >> i had no problem with her showing up. my problem was that she never referenced or introduced the members of the armed forces behind her. i thought she looked stunning and beautiful. >> it's a natural progression. clinton going on the late night shows. wait, wait, wait. social media has now infiltrated politics. >> golden globes. >> exactly. we reference twitter as an authority on things and we reference -- i think it's a natural progression. >> take a hiatus now?
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>> she can do whatever she wants. don't show up at a place where i have no choice whether i want to watch you. >> this is on the host of the oscars, setting macfarlane. the ratings were up, especially in that coveted 18 to 49 demographic, up 11%. some say he crossed the line. his jokes were sexist, juvenile, the chris brown/rihanna joke. what did you think about it? >> between rape, sexualization of a child while she's sitting there in the audience, i didn't know whether to cringe or cry. >> oscars will not lose their core audience. they made a very smart, calculated decision to get a guy who say song and dance guy, homage to hollywood, but you want to grow, that's what you have to do. >> i thought he was wonderful. although i checked my watch and thought, wow, this is running late, but i loved every bit. i thought he did a great job. did he push the envelope? >> yes. >> yes, he did.
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did i laugh? yes, i did. >> the academy got what it paid for? >> and more. >> they definitely knew who they were going to get. they will ask him back. >> the academy awards getting too old. >> hello. it was long in the tooth last year. >> i want to know who won, for goodness sake. >> they're talking to him now about bringing him back. >> nancy, star and donny, thank you. really appreciate it. can you spot the difference? oscar-inspired looks for a lot less. that's after this. phone rings ] hello. [ man ] jen, there are a lot of beauty brands that want you to represent them. really, who? no. they add too much fragrance. no, they make you wear pink. are you kidding? no. nah. [ telephone rings ] no. not my style. no. [ cellphone rings ] [ man ] you might like this one. aveeno®. aveeno®. let me think about it. [ male announcer ] the beautiful jennifer aniston
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now for aveeno®. and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go talk to your doctor. you're not indestructible anymore. eat tomato sauce on my spaghetti. the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. i was quite surprised, as only few as four exposures a day what that can do to you. it's quite a lesson learned. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel. he recommended that i use it every time i brush. you feel like there is something that you're doing to help safeguard against the acid erosion.
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and i believe it's doing a good job. to get your family together for breakfast. [ clears throat ] [ female announcer ] in fact, they might work too well. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. with the bing it on challenge to show google users what they've been missing on bing. let's bing it on. [fight bell: ding, ding] how many here are google users? what if i was to tell you that you would actually like bing way more than google when it came to the results? prove it. let's look up some taco places. i like the left side. yeah? okay, do we need to find out what the waves are like down at the beach? what side do you like better? i like the results on the right. i'm gonna go with the one on the left. oh! bing won! people prefer bing over google for the web's top searches. don't believe it? go to and see what you're missing.
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back now at 8:21 with "toda "today's" style, affordable fashions inspired by the red carpet at the oscars. scouring the rack to find the dresses that mirrored some of the stunning looks we saw on sunday. this wasn't easy to do. >> it wasn't. it's hard to find gowns that looked like what the stars wore on the red carpet for a great price. >> this was one of my favorites on sunday night. >> me, too. >> beautiful picture. everybody can see the look we're trying to attain. a lavender color. >> it was. she glided on the red carpet. so romantic, so beautiful. we really tried to capture the volume of that incredible skirt she wore. >> let's bring out halle, without further ado. >> we picked this up at
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jcpenney, you get a piece of that designer. this is $250. it really captures that corseted top and the beautiful start with the endless ruffles. looks so chic, so feminine. >> it has a fancy designer name, too. >> you would never know you could pick it up at jcpenney. >> it's lovely. >> beautiful. >> okay. next look is halle berry. this was a bit of a polarizing look. she looked fabulous. >> versace made her dress for her, head to toe sequins, huge trend we saw at the oscars. capturing this look was really fun. >> let's bring out paulette and tell us about the look she is wearing today. >> we picked this up at bloomingdales for $125. it's that head to toe sequins
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feel. it captures that combination of horizontal and vertical sequins you saw on halle's dress. >> better than what halle may or may not have paid for it. >> that's for sure. >> thank you so much, paulette. kerry washington wore a beautiful color, very distinctive look. >> it was feminine with a bit of a twist to it. a bit of sparkle as well., for special occasion dresses. >> stephanie, come on out. let's see it. ooh, you really captured the color. >> i love this dress, the gorgeous coral color like kerry's. you have the embellishment at the neckline, which is part of the signature look that she wore, feminine belt and flowing chiffon. this is blue girl, a designer dress. you rent it for only $120.
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it's really a steal. >> thank you so much, stephanie. lastly, charlize theron who really rocked that white dress. it had a bridal feel though she didn't look like a bride. >> she stunned us all when she walked on to the red carpet. >> we really captured this look. this is from david's bridal. we picked this up for $349. it really captures charlize's peplum, silhouette, flare look. this is great for a bride on a budget. you can wear this to a black tie event in the summer. very stunning. >> very beautiful. thank you to all of our models. lisa, thank you very much. >> my plsh. an interesting story, a doctor who says death is not the end. it can be reversed. he has some interesting stories to tell. we'll hear about people's near-death experiences as well after a check of your local news.
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8:26 is your time on this tuesday, february 26, 2013. good morning i'm eun yang. a rough commute is spreading on the rails let's check in for the details. >> we've seen this for some time on the orange lines. delays because of emergency track work. happening at west falls church metro station. delays about 15 minutes. over to the roadways. suitland parkway outbound. between sterling of a no stanton road. left lane is blocked. new york avenue inbound north capital street crash light blocking the right lane. your delays are about a mile.
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good morning i'm storm team 4 meteorologist tom kierein. we have a variety of watches and warnings up for later this afternoon and tonight. areas in green could be flooding couple of inches of rain possible around the washington metro area. there's an icing threat mainly
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at elevations above 1,000 feet. then we get the sun back tomorrow with warmer weather with highs near 60. could get some sprinkles on thursday. >>
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8:30 now on this tuesday morning, the 26th day of february, 2013. it's a great day to be here in rockefeller plaza, as these people are waving to the people back home. we appreciate them coming by. and, by the way, you're listening to just one of the hits from mr. jason aldean. he will be here to perform for us in just a little while. i'm matt lauer, along with savannah guthrie, natalie
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morales and al roker. >> and we'll take a turn and hear from some people who say they are witnessed death, that they have briefly been to the other side. near-death experiences and also we'll hear from the doctor who believes that death is now reversible because of advances in medical science. it's an interesting claim. we'll talk to him coming up. on a much different note, wedding season is right around the corner and many brides to be may be looking for a little inspiration perhaps from the stars. so randy fenoli from "say yes to the dress" will show us the latest. and a little later on, want to get a jump on spring? we'll show you how to get that going from a little indoor garden. >> have one word for you. terrarium. mr. roker, how about a check of the weather? >> as we shake it up, >> let's see what we got.
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for today risk of strong storms down in florida on into south carolina the coast. look for icy conditions, appalachians into the upper ohio river valley. snow showers out to the central rockies. tomorrow that whole mess moves up into new england with rain here in the northeast. snow in northern new england back to upstate new york. look for flurries in the northern plains. rest of the country looking pretty darn good with sunshine. four corners will see sunny skies and 74 and sunshine in l.a. tomorrow. good morning, a variety of weather coming our way later today. i'm tom kierein. right now we're getting into the low and mid 30s later today and mid-40s as rain develops. could be heavy at times. most of the region by this evening which may cause some flooding. elsewhere elevations above 1,000 feet from the blue ridge west to the mountains could be some icing which may cause scattered power outages. all of this moisture should be drying up on wednesday when we >> and that's your latest weather. >> all right, mr. roker.
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let's bring in megan hilty here, one of our favorites, playing the ambitious ivy lynn on nbc's "smash." nice to see you. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> and equals a little witchy? >> a little bit but my character is turning it around this season. it's all about change personally and professionally to be a better person. >> she's not the slooud ivy we've come to know and love sometimes? >> she's still there, deep down. she's trying to turn over a new leaf. >> from the first season to the second season, how do you feel the progression has gone on? obviously focusing on ratings and all of that. you believe in this show? >> absolutely. it's great. we have so many new fresh faces this season and our guest stars are amazing. sean hayes is about to blow everybody's mind. he plays this amazing character. he's kind of a jerk but -- >> sean hayes? >> no, no, in real life he's
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such a nice guy. >> because we love him. >> that's why it's so fun to see him in this character. >> you've had jennifer hudson on as well. a lot of star power. >> you have your debut cd dropping in march. >> i know. >> what are we going to hear? >> it's not musical theater. it's sopgs u it's sopgs s it's sopgs ongs we all love. that's not on the album. but, yeah, it's all new. it's the first thing i've ever done with just me. it's not attached to any character. >> great. congratulations. >> by the way, i want to mention you'll be sticking around and talk to hoda and kathie lee a little later. >> yeah. kathie lee makes an appearance. >> exactly right. big deal. >> fantastic. >> you can catch an all new episode of "smash" tonight at 10:00, 9:00 central time, of course, right here on nbc. when we come back, a doctor
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who says that death is reversible. want to hear more about that. first this is "today" on nbc.
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back at 8:37. in a moment we'll talk to a doctor who says death is reversible. first the question, what happens when we die? >> there was a tunnel. >> i was actually standing in utter brilliance. >> the white light. >> it was a brilliant light. >> a profound feeling of comfort. >> i remember being in that tunnel thinking, oh, my god. it's so nice. >> these have become the hallmarks of the near death experience, a phenomenon usually experienced after a person has pronounced clinically dead. >> they did everything they knew to do how to resuscitate me that day. i was declared dead on the
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scene. >> don piper was driving over this bridge in rural texas when he was broadsided by an 18-wheel truck, leaving him with horrific injuries. >> i had an enormous gaping wound in my left leg. my arm was separated at the shoulder. it went behind me into the backseat. >> piper says he was without a pulse for 90 minutes. it's then he says he crossed over to the other side, an explosion of sight and sound. >> i saw a magnificent gate for lack of a better description. each moment becomes more glorious than the moment before. >> he says his dead grandfather gate, welcoming him home. the whole experience was documented in his best-selling book, 90 minutes in heaven. mary was working at the gym when her life changed forever, suffering a brain aneurysm. she was in intensive care for three days when she took a turn for the worst. >> i remember being in this room with lots of activity and physicians and then i had the
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experience. it's a tunnel that's radiant. it's so warm and it's so accepting and god held me. and i remember thinking at the time, i have never known love like this. >> after a miraculous recovery, her near-death experience has given her a new sense of purpose, a new reason for being. >> i have an awareness now that i never had before. >> one of the world's leading experts on the study of death and these near death experiences. his new book is called erasing death. good morning. it's good to see you. >> good to see you. >> let's pick it up there with these near-death experiences. many colleagues in the scientific community who doubt this. they say this is basically hallucinations brout on by lack of oxygen to the brain. but you're a believer for scientific reasons? >> most people, including most doctors and scientists have a
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very fixed idea about life and death. they think when you reach the point of death, it's irreversible. the advance in the last ten years have shown us that actually it's only after a person dies that they turn into a corpse, that their cells, brain cells start to die. although most people think this takes place in four or five minutes, brain cells are viable for up to eight hours. >> this is where you have your claim that death is actually reversible, which sounds pretty astonishing. what do you mean by that, though, that this process is long enough that there are methods to reverse it? >> absolutely. we now understand that it's only after a person has turned into a corpse that their cells are undergoing death and if we, therefore, manipulate those processes, we can restart the heart and bring a person back to life. one of the most advanced things we can use right now is to cool people down. if we cool them down, we slow that rate. >> cool them, sometimes this literally means putting ice on them? >> absolutely. what this means to us is that death is reversible and we have to redefine the way we think of death and life.
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for instance, we all probably -- i'm sure you saw -- the scene where they find these 1,500 people that are dead in the water? these people, most of them, could be brought back to life again if that happened today. >> i am no doctor obviously but the first question that comes to my mind is at what cost? you bring people back but then they suffer significant brain zblanlg one of the problems we have is that there are all these advances in our systems that are not being implemented. your chance of surviving from this depends where you end up, which hospital you go to, who is on call, which bed you end up at. if we implement these things, people can come back without brain damage. that's what we're striving to do. many people die unnecessarily and then, unfortunately, they end up, if they do come back, with either brain damage or in a vegetative state. every single one of us, this is one thing that will affect every single one of us. if we don't standardize the care, cooling and other things,
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we prevent brain injury. >> back to the near-death experiences for a moment. it's something that you say you believe is possible. as i understand it, you're planning to study this. i've heard about one where you want to place something high up in a hospital room to see if that out-of-body experience is real? >> i'm a physician. my goal is to bring people back to life. that's my aim. we have to study what happens after death. the flip side of the coin is that we have learned about what people experience after death. that's why we know when people die, their consciousness is not annihilated and there are these experiences. >> it will be interesting to see the results of that study again. people are interested in a fascinating topic. the book is called "erasing death." >> thank you for having me. how to brighten up your home by bringing the outdoors in. first this is "today" on nbc.
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we're back now at 8:44 with "today's" garden, unique ways to bring a touch of nature inside to brighten up your home. lifestyle expert, annette joseph, is here to help us out. good morning. these are all creative ideas. do all plants do well indoors or are there some we should avoid? >> there are some you should avoid because they're outdoor plants. plants that we are going to plant today are strictly for the inside. >> starting with herbs. >> you like herbs inside. >> herbs, this is very special. this is something you can start off in your house and then if you have a garden, you can transplant everything out to the garden. i use this sort of as a seedling garden every winter and i take them once they've grown and put them in my garden. >> you are ingenious. you use just about everything you find around the house and make a planter out of it. >> exactly. i like to really think outside the box, no -- >> no pun intended, right?
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>> right. >> these tins come from where? >> these are antique vintage tea tins. all the graphics are so great on tea and coffee that you can literally recycle those pretty graphic boxes. >> how much sun and water do herbs like these need? >> a lot of sun. >> window sill basically? >> i like to put them on the kitchen table. you can even put them in your bathroom. >> here is a terreria, plural for ter ararium. i don't know. i'm making things up. >> put the gloves on. >> little cactus, i like that. >> you have to be delicate with this, right? >> you do. you have to be very delicate with it. and the key here is less is more. we have these really cool -- this is a really cool terrarium from west helm. you can go out and get this.
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>> let's start with the basics. you put dirt and gravel? >> gravel, then you put dirt. and the gravel is to help with water. >> what do i do? >> just grab something that you like. >> yeah. >> and start building a cute little environment for yourself. >> okay. >> put the cactus, savannah, in a place that people can see it this time as opposed to hiding it. >> i knew you were going to say that. cactus gate as it was come to be known. i gave a beautiful cactus to matt for christmas. >> but hid it in tissue paper so that when i went to grab it, i bled. >> you know what was great about it? he never complained, never brought it up again. >> how do i get this out without -- >> you literally pull it out of there just like that. just get dirty. come on. >> okay. all right. i don't want to mess it up. >> you can get dirty on this. >> some of the terrariums you have are open on the top. one you did on a cake platter.
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it has a lid on it. does it need less water with a lid on it? >> yes. >> there goes the cactus. this takes time and smaller hands, i think. >> it's difficult. i can't even plant my cactus. >> it's not a contest. >> how long will these last if you do it correctly? >> if you do it correctly, water it take care of it and love it -- >> this is going to take more practice. go ahead. jump in there. >> to see how terrible we are at this? >> you're actually pretty good at it. you have to kind of man handle it a little. >> that one plant for that little terrarium? >> clip it down like a little bonzai. it could be pretty. >> show some of the other creative little vessels, if you will. there's your cake platter. >> you can use anything. a lot of people have cake platters sitting out on the counter.
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plant it up with something. this is easy if you mist it. misting them is a really good idea. >> this is for soup. >> this is a soup tourine. you could use this for easter really. >> the dirt and gravel are the basic steps, gravel then dirt. >> gravel then dirt, that's right. and then you're actually watering the roots from the bottom up, which is really important to keep them alive. and succulents are really big right now. >> the cactus goes in the front. up next, a live performance from country star jason aldean. first this is "today" on nbc.
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>> announcer: the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> jason aldean burst on to the country music scene back in 2005 and is riding high with the success of his newest album "night train" that went straight to number one on the billboard charts. jason, good morning. it's good to see you. >> thank you so much. >> i read one review of this record that says "night train" plays like a second step in the aldean sound. >> i don't know what that means actually. >> is it that hip hoppy country thing? >> i guess. we put on a song called "dirt road anthem," a huge hit for us
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that had a bit of that hip hop flare to it. 1994 has that same sort of thing. >> you're out on tour, sold out madison square garden in minutes. that has to be pretty exciting. >> absolutely. madison square garden obviously is one of the most prestigious venues in the country. this is actually our first trip to that venue. so to come in and sell it out is great. to sell it out in obviously a matter of minutes is even better. >> the song you're going to play to us this morning is a tribute to a '90s music star joe diffy. >> the i just love joe diffy. >> you've been tweeting retro 1994 pictures of yourself, which we'll be happy to show. looking good. love that mullet. >> you're welcome. >> and some other country music stars getting into it, too.
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tim mcgraw, keith urban, diers bentley. >> we've been having fun with it. it's been fun to throw it back a little bit and see some of these old pictures. >> jason, let's party like it's 1994. take it away. >> all right. ♪ now girl i know you used to the same old same but we ain't floatin' that boat no we ain't ridin' that train hop on my rocket ship let's get outta here let me put a little shimmer in your atmosphere ♪ ♪ now let's get outta this town outta this club girl whatever you're sippin' i'm gonna mix it up take a few tick toks off your clock
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put a little third rock in your hip hop ♪ ♪ i got that 1994 joe diffie comin' out my radio i'm just a country boy with a farmer's tan so help me girl i'll be your pickup man how about a night to remember and a fifth of goose about to bust out my honky tonk attitude a little feel good you ain't never felt before i'm talking 1994 ♪ ♪ hey joe joe joe diffie joe, joe, joe diffie ♪ ♪ girl don't you worry now your ship just came in so go on tell your mama tell all your friends that your new favorite color is john deer green hop in this truck aka time machine ♪ ♪ 1994 joe diffie comin out my radio i'm just a country boy with a farmer's tan so help me girl i'll be your pickup man how about a night to remember and a fifth of goose about to bust out my honky tonk
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attitude a little feel good you ain't never felt before i'm talkin' 1994 ♪ ♪ hey joe, joe, joe diffie joe, joe, joe diffie joe, joe, joe diffie ♪ ♪ baby if you're lookin' for a good time let me take you to the c-o-u-n-t-r-y now baby let's go holler if you're with me hey joe come on and teach us how to diffie ♪ ♪ 1994 joe diffie comin' out my radio i'm just a country boy with a farmer's tan so help me girl i'll be your pickup man how about a night to remember and a fifth of goose about to bust out my honky tonk attitude a little feel good you ain't never felt before i'm talkin' 1994 ♪ ♪ hey joe, joe, joe diffie joe, joe, joe diffie
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joe, joe, joe diffie will the real joe diffie please stand up ♪ >> jason aldean, taking us back to 1994 off the album "night train." he will be back with more music later. first on a tuesday morning, a check of your local news. later. 8:56 is your time now on this tuesday, february 26, 2013. good morning i'm eun yang. delays continue on the rails and things are getting worse on the roads. let's check in with danella sealock. >> delays on the orange lines because of track, emergency track repair at west falls
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church metro station. 270 includingish at shady grove. accident was blocking two left lanes jammed in germantown. 395 northbound at the duke overpass crash was blocking two left lanes and still you can see ambulance still on the scene. >> we'll take a
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good morning almost 9:00. now into the mid-to-upper 30s in much. region and cloudy and then rain arriving later this afternoon. could be heavy at times. tonight which may cause flooding at the same time there could be icing, high elevations 1,000 feet or above into the


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